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Dr. Colas Schretter

ETRO Guest Professor

Biography Research Publications
Short CV

Dr. Ing. Colas Schretter (M) received a M.Sc. degree in computer science with great honors in 2004 and an additional Master of advanced studies (DEA) in 2006 from the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

In February 2007, he moved to Germany for a scientist position with Philips Research, Aachen. Meanwhile, he earned a Marie Curie EST fellowship for his doctoral thesis, awarded with magna cum laude in April 2010. Thereafter, he won a Marie Curie ERG grant.


Dr.-Ing. Colas Schretter (M) received a M.Sc. degree in computer science with great honors in 2004 and an additional Master of advanced studies (DEA) in 2006 from the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. In February 2007, he moved to Germany for a scientist position with Philips Research, Aachen. Meanwhile, he earned a Marie Curie EST fellowship for his doctoral thesis, awarded with magna cum laude in April 2010. Thereafter, he won a Marie Curie ERG grant for a postdoctoral project with the RWTH Aachen University and was visiting researcher at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He was selected for the M+Vision 2012 fellowship at the MIT in Cambridge, USA and is now back in Belgium since October 2013, as a senior research scientist at the ETRO department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Colas Schretter has coauthored over 30 peer-reviewed papers and holds 4 international patents. He is mostly interested in problems in high-dimensional image formation from large corpus of measurements using physically-based models, regularized inverse methods and advanced statistical estimation techniques.

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