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Computer Room
Student room for classes, theses and group projects

Etro maintains a computer room, used mainly for education activities. It is used for classes and computer labs in fields from Image Processing to Electronic Design, but is also freely available for students to work on exercises, group projects or Master theses.

The PCs contain a large set of specialized software to be able to answer to the wide area of uses of the room. Also several hardware platforms are available for specific classes and projects.

The room also contains a dedicated teaching software, allowing the teacher to interact directly with the student's PCs, making old fashioned projecions obsolete. A projection screen is nevertheless present for general purpose. The room layout is set up to promote close interaction between teacher and students, and allow students to easily work together on projects.

Relevant equipment

  • 21 PCs with quad-core Processors and CUDA-enabled video cards.
  • Specialised software such as Matlab, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Silvaco, Tanner Tools, Pulsonix, Altera Quartus, Altium Designer.
  • Teaching Software Lanschool
  • Hardware tools such as Altium Nanoboards etc.

Education related activities

  • Labs for multiple courses.
  • Student projects.
  • Master Theses.

Students always have access to the room's reservation calendar.

Research related activities

When the room is not used by students the PC's can be used as a cluster system for large calculations.

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