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Student Lab
Room for electronics labs an integrated projects

Etro maintains a student electronics lab, used for education activities as well as integrated projects. It is used for specifically for labs in electronics and for the 2nd year engineering project, where students need to combine severel disciplines such as electronics, system design, programming etc...

Relevant equipment

  • The standard lab has 10 setups consisting of a Tektronix TDS 210 osscilloscope, an Agilent 34401A Digital multimeter, an Agilent E3631A Triple output DC power supply and an HP 33120A arbitraty waveform generator.
  • The lab contains also 6 PC's with data-aquiisition cards and GPIB interfaces, as wel as specialised software such as Matlab, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Altera Quartus, Altium Designer etc...
  • Several specific hardware modules are available in order to be able to support a large variaty of labwork.

Education related activities

  • Practical labs for multiple courses.
  • Second year integrated project.

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