The ETRO department hosts 3 research groups: Micro-electronics (LAMI), Multidimensional signal processing and communication (IRIS) and Audio-Visual Signal Processing (AVSP).
Through an intense collaboration between these groups, ETRO aspires to
- Make sense of audio, video, hyper-dimensional signals & sensors for various sectors.
- Deliver unique value through multi-disciplinary engineering and through demand-driven and fundamental research - beyond mainstream.
As a true multidisciplinary research group, people at ETRO look for inspiration in the unexplored engineering bottlenecks at the interface of various application domains. Creating an impact on the transformation processes of the knowledge society is their ambition. Knowledge accumulation and dissemination remains the day-to-day assignment. With approx. 100 motivated people, the researchers at ETRO strive to surpass the state of the art in their research domains and try to pass on that knowledge to an ever more international student population.
Because of the application driven research focus, ETRO has a longstanding reputation in cooperating with local and international industry, but also public services and hospitals. Considerable experience was gained in dealing with various actors along different application value chains which enabled them to develop a generic R&D background that is applicable in very diverse sectors (e.g. health care, automotive, media, surveillance, security, public safety, remote sensing, energy, telecommunications, content industry, creative industries …).
In recent years, policymakers have recognized the increasing need of closer industry-academia collaboration and dedicated funds have been allocated to foster such type of bridge building research. Since 2005 the ETRO department is recognized as a key industrial research pole at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.