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Multidimensional signal processing and communication
ETRO-IRIS Research Domains


Multidimensional Signal Representation, Processing, Transmission, Visualisation and Forensics

Image Processing and Communications

Big Data Mining, Processing and Analytics

Medical Imaging and e-Health

Acceleration of Multimedia Processing

About IRIS
Recent - IRIS Publications
IRIS was founded in 1988. Image/video processing and machine vision (now generalized to multidimensional signal processing) are central research activities. Early activities in biomedical engineering were focused on smart data acquisition systems, signal processing and diagnostic functions. Afterwards we diversified our activities to various medical imaging modalities and data fusion. We moved into new application domains like remote sensing, security, industrial inspection, gaming, personalized health systems, e-health, active vision, multimedia. We founded a Joint Lab (AVSP) on audio-visual signal analysis and synthesis, with Xi´an North Western Polytechnic University. Through our merger with the informatics dept. in 2004, we acquired expertise inTelecommunication network control, embedded systems and computer architectures. We co-founded IBBT in 2004, and are participating in the design of complex, distributed and interactive ICT systems.

Our motivation is to stay ahead of the obvious R&D tendencies. This drives us towards in depth fundamental research. Our mission is to impact on the transformation processes of the knowledge society. We participate in various value chains. Collaboration with industry, public services, and hospitals are priorities for us. More info

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