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Devices and components

ETRO - LAMI research topic

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Topic Overview

Having insights in the dielectric and magnetic response of materials as described in the previous section, allows for the development of particular sensing applications in a wide domain of applications, but in many cases the sensitivity of existing sensors is not sufficient. Our group focuses on novel sensor designs for various sensor configurations in free space and electromagnetic waveguides. The sensors are based on particular resonances or on Notch filter designs. The sensor configurations can be used for liquids ranging from nano-liter size up to hundreds or thousands of liters, but also for solids as well as for powders.

Advanced transistor modeling and technology exploration for the next IC generations

The high integration level of Si CMOS has allowed the realization of very complex digital and analog/RF circuits in the last decades. However, advanced CMOS technology scaling becomes increasingly challenging in the present days. Many complex technology options are considered, including various device architectures (FinFETs, nanowires, HEMT,...), channel and gate materials, as well as layout and patterning optimization. Further, the benefits of these technology elements are only achieved by co-optimization with the circuits blocks they operate in.

Our research aims to co-optimize technology and devices for 3 specific applications domains: logic, high-speed RF, and cryogenic temperature operation.

Accurate device modeling is a prerequisite for the evaluation of the gains which can be obtained at circuit level in terms of power consumption, performance and area.

Therefore, based on TCAD and experiments, we develop compact models for the various advanced devices. Special attention is paid the on the modelling of parasitics elements which play an increasing role at high operation frequency. Also, dedicated characterization techniques are developed for high frequency and low temperature modelling.

Based on this physical modelling, circuit level simulations are performed to guide the technology developments.

Scientific Contact

Prof. Dr. Ir. Johan Stiens

+32 (0)2 629 2397

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