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Campus Wide Living Laboratory

The VUB campuses were turned into a Living Laboratory for the development of applications and services based on wireless communication technology. The Living Lab is now a state-of-the-art infrastructure which is focused on wireless communication and sensor-based technologies (Wifi, RFID, NFC) with an active user & stakeholder community ( It can be considered a real life experimentation environment for new technologies and application scenarios in which users are co-producers.

Within ETRO, the iBrussels lab provides the required support to showcase the various demo applications developed within the iBrussels program.

Current Status

These activities are on hold at he moment, but may be revived in the future.

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ETRO Department

Tel: +32 2 629 29 30

©2025 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • ETRO Dept. • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Brussels • Tel: +32 2 629 2930 (secretariat) • Fax: +32 2 629 2883 • WebmasterDisclaimer

Education Activities:
ETRO CoursesThesis Proposals
    Infrastructure for education:Infrastructure for research & education:Previous year's student projects
      ETRO Publications:
      JournalConference   Book
      ReportLaymenPhD Thesis
        About ETRO
        R&D groups & themes:
        IRIS GroupLAMI GroupAVSP Group
        Interdisciplinary researchInfrastructure for scientific and / or industrial research
        ETRO Publications:
        IRIS Group - PublicationsLAMI Group - PublicationsAVSP Group - Publications