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Embedded Systems Lab

Welcome to the Embedded Systems Lab.

Previously, embedded systems has been considered as an electronic's topic. The advent of the microprocessor changed this drastically because software became an important issue. since 1990, Embedded Systems Research has been taken seriously and international conferences launched on this sole topic. Today, it is accepted that an enormous amount of topics need to be addressed. Research is needed in order to achieve better quality, reliable, dependable, safe and secure embedded systems.

Our lab focuses on a couple of topics outside the mainstream research:

  • Evaluating, testing, benchmarking and debugging (real-time) operating systems
  • Designing and developing a generic platform for swarm embedded intelligence

The lab is headed by Prof. Dr. ir. Martin Timmerman who is a associated with the Royal Military Academy(RMA) as well as VUB-ETRO.

Education related activities

Courses: the lab is involved in the following educational programs for Master students:

  • Operating Systems and Security
  • Embedded Systems Project
  • Software and engineering for embedded systems course for Masters students.

Research related activities

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ETRO Department

Tel: +32 2 629 29 30

©2025 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • ETRO Dept. • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Brussels • Tel: +32 2 629 2930 (secretariat) • Fax: +32 2 629 2883 • WebmasterDisclaimer

Education Activities:
ETRO CoursesThesis Proposals
    Infrastructure for education:Infrastructure for research & education:Previous year's student projects
      ETRO Publications:
      JournalConference   Book
      ReportLaymenPhD Thesis
        About ETRO
        R&D groups & themes:
        IRIS GroupLAMI GroupAVSP Group
        Interdisciplinary researchInfrastructure for scientific and / or industrial research
        ETRO Publications:
        IRIS Group - PublicationsLAMI Group - PublicationsAVSP Group - Publications