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Edison Lab
Intelligent lighting

Statistical data indicate that buildings account for 40% of energy end-use in the EU, of which a considerable amount is electrical power used for lighting purpose. The EDISON Lab emerged from the EU CIP EDISON intelligent lighting project. The Edison project aims at demonstrating that Solid State Lamps (SSLs), combined with a DC-based power infrastructure and advanced ICT components (e.g., wired/wireless sensors and actuators, smart meters...), can reduce the energy consumption. This reduction will not affect user’s comfort level.

In this context, the goal of the EDISON Lab is to provide an efficient, scalable, reliable and future-proof communication infrastructure on top of the DC-based power system.

Relevant equipment

  • AC-native and DC-native Solid State Lamps (SSL)
  • AC/DC converters, chokes
  • Electronics prototyping platforms (Arduino)
  • Powerline Communication and KNX Transceivers
  • Brightness/presence sensors

Research related lab activities

  • Study and optimization of building automation technologies for EDISON's DC-based power infrastructure
  • Interoperability among building automation communication protocols
  • Seamless integration of the EDISON Lab lighting system (i.e., embedded sensors and actuators) with the Internet and the Web

Education related lab activities

Students that follow the course "Teleprocessing" have their lab sessions here. Master thesis topics are also available.

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