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eXia Belgium nv (° October 2013) is an R&D driven provider of capacitive sensor technology, with the ambition to render European road transport safer and less damage prone, by avoiding blind spot incidents through the use of active blind spot sensor technology. The technology is based on research from the VUB Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO), in cooperation with iMinds vzw and sponsored by Ethias nv.

The Brussels-based fabless supplier of sensor solutions currently develops a range of electrostatic safety sensors to prevent blind spot accidents between commercial vehicles and vulnerable road users.

Blind spot accidents are mostly dramatic as they invariably result in severe injuries or fatality, and frequently involve vulnerable young children. Commercial vehicles make up only 3% of all vehicles, but are involved in 14% of fatal collisions (400 deaths per year in Europe). The legal obligation to implement blind spot mirrors since 2003, has not led to a significant decrease in the number of accidents. Both existing active (radar or ultrasound) and passive electronic systems (cameras) also produced disappointing results in recent studies.

With eXia's novel approach to capacitive sensing technology, they aspire to be a major contributor to a safer truck of the future.

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