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Mr. Lubos Omelina

ETRO Post Doc Researcher

Biography Research Publications
Publications by Mr. Lubos Omelina

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Journal Publications


“The effect of a rehabilitation specific gaming software platform to achieve individual physiotherapy goals in children with severe spastic CP: a randomized cross-over trial”, in Games For Health Journal


“Automated functional upper limb evaluation of patients with Friedreich ataxia using serious games rehabilitation exercises”, in Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

“The end of active video games and the consequences for rehabilitation”, in Physiotherapy Research International.

“3D Analysis of Upper Limbs Motion during Rehabilitation Exercises Using the KinectTM Sensor: Development, Laboratory Validation and Clinical Application”, in Sensors


“Interaction detection with depth sensing and body tracking cameras in physical rehabilitation”, in Methods of Information in Medicine


“Interchangeability of the Wii Balance BoardTM for bipedal balance assessment”, in JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies

“Balance improvement after physical therapy training using specially developed serious games for cerebral palsy children: preliminary results”, in Disability and Rehabilitation


“Determination of repeatability of Kinect™ sensor”, in Telemedicine and e-Health

“Can the Kinect sensor be used for motion analysis?”, in Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Circuits and Systems

“Can serious games be incorporated with conventional treatment of children with cerebral palsy? A review”, in Research in Developmental Disabilities

“Can serious games be incorporated with conventional treatment of children with cerebral palsy? A review”, in Research in Developmental Disabilities


“Les jeux vidéo (bientôt) au service des patients?”, in Médecine Sciences

Conference Publications


“Three dimenional functional evaluation of the shoulder complex using the kinect sensor”, in 4TH WORKSHOP ON ICTS FOR IMPROVING PATIENTS REHABILITATION RESEARCH TECHNIQUES

“Validation of trunk kinematics analysis through serious games rehabilitation exercises using the Kinect™ sensor”, in 4TH WORKSHOP ON ICTS FOR IMPROVING PATIENTS REHABILITATION RESEARCH TECHNIQUES


“Clinical evolution or familiarization? Biomechanical analysis of serious games exercises to assess the learning effect”, in International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation


“Balance training using specially developed serious games for cerebral palsy children, a feasibility study”, in 2nd Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques, REHAB 2014

“Therapeutic Interaction Detection for Serious Games in Physical Rehabilitation”, in 2nd Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques, REHAB 2014


“Patient follow-up using serious games - A feasibility study on low back pain patients”, in the 3rd european conference on gaming and playful interaction in health care

“Feature Extraction for Iris Recognition based on Optimized Convolution Kernels”, in The International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing


“Serious games for physical rehabilitation: designing highly configurable and adaptable games”, in 9th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies

“What are the current limits of the Kinect sensor?”, in 9th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies

Book Publications


“Detection of Interaction with Depth Sensing and Body Tracking Cameras in Physical Rehabilitation”, in ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques

“Validation of the Balance BoardTM for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Through Different Conditions”, in ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques


“Integration of Exergames and Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy Children”, in Handbook on Cerebral Palsy

Other Publications


“Computer-Aided Detection of Lung Nodules using Multi-Level Contextual 3D CNNs”

“Real-time long-term multi-object tracking on cineMR using a tracking-learning-detection framework”, in Radiotherapy and Oncology


“Rehabilitation of neurologic patients using serious games, from theory to practice”, in Proceedings of the World Congres on Physiotherapy


“An overview of the scientific validation of the Wii Balance Board and the Kinect as clinically relevant measurement devices”, in Symposium on Technology-Supported Rehabilitation


“Use of Serious gaming to increase motivation of cerebral palsy children during rehabilitation”, in Proceedings of te 10th European Pediatric Neurology Society

“Computer games in the therapy of children suffering from cerebral palsy”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation (ICRAN)

“Utilisation d’une caméra sans marqueur pour l’évaluation de la fonction du membre supérieur chez les enfants hémiplégique, étude de faisabilité”, in 12es Journees SOFAMEA, livre des resumes

“Markerless Camera System vs. Marker Based System: Which is the most repeatable?”, in Proceedings of ISB 2013


“Reproducibility of segment lengths obtained from a low cost markerless camera system”, in Joint ISPGR and Gait & Mental Function Congress

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