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Personal Super Computing Competence Center

Introduction Training Feasibility studies Implementation Collaborations
PSC3 Training Sessions

At the PSC3, intensive training programs are provided to teach traditional programmers how to program GPUs

Second Training Session on GPU computing.

Module: GPU Programming: Introduction and Hands-on Training OpenCL.

Chairs: Jan G. Cornelis & Jan Lemeire (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

20-22 May 2014

Location: VUB campus Etterbeek, entrance 8, building K, 4th floor, room 4k226. Parking on the VUB campus is possible, an entrance code will be provided

The first day of the training will merely be devoted to introduce GPUs through a series of lectures, demos and interactive discussions. The architecture is discussed, as well as the programming and execution model. Next, insight into the peak performance will be acquired, as well as the issues that make the performance degenerate. The relation with algorithmic and implementations aspects will be discussed, such that the trainee gets a first insight into which algorithms/implementations are well-suited for GPUs and which aren't. The introduction ends in the afternoon of the first day after which the hands-on training starts.

Through a series of personalized practical exercises, trainees will be guided through all implementation and performance issues w.r.t. GPU computing. An effective sequence of examples and exercises have been set-up such that the trainee will follow an effective path towards grasping the necessary skills of GPU computing . The trainee will acquire a thorough understanding in writing GPU kernels, launching kernels, data transfer, kernel synchronization, vector operations, debugging, the available tools, understanding and optimizing memory access, ... One-on-one guidance will be provided, such that the training can be tailored according to the background skills of the trainee.

After the training, the trainees will understand how to implement algorithms on GPUs and which aspects to consider for efficient implementations. We will put the GPU into perspective; compare them with other technologies, and discuss their weaknesses and the challenges for putting the technology into practice.

For the first day, participants are expected to have basic knowledge about hardware and software. For the hands-on training on days 2 and 3, participants are expected to have relatively good programming skills (preferably C)

Participants can choose to follow only the first introductory day or 1/2 additional days of practical exercises.



Day 1

Days 1+2

Days 1-2-3


250 €

400 €

500 €

Participation for VUB PhD-students is free, the fee is paid by the doctoral school.

Members of SMEs ('KMOs') can be funded by the KMO-portefeuille"

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