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Mr. Ali Pourkazemi

ETRO Guest Professor

Biography Research Publications
Research Abstract

Characterization of materials at various electromagnetic wave frequencies (microwave, millimeter, terahertz,…) is very important for a wide range of applications. Many researchers have proposed several methods to calculate the electromagnetic response of a multilayer structure comprising materials with various electromagnetic properties and thicknesses. However it is a challenge to devise a good illumination strategy at reasonable cost and to develop a numerical procedure to extract these properties by means of a method and device operating in the considered electromagnetic spectrum.

This research is targeting any field where one needs to measure layer thicknesses and electromagnetic characteristics of multilayer structures. A new solution at reasonable cost is targeted in multi-sectorial application domains: non-destructive testing industry, piping industry, wind energy industry, biotechnology, food industry, pharmacy,…

The research project is aiming at detecting and determining dielectric and/or magnetic characteristics of multilayer structures as shown in Fig(a). The project research targets to benchmark various traditional methods and algorithms and our new algorithms under development

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