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Prof. Hans Ingelberts

ETRO Guest Professor

Biography Research Publications
Research Abstract

This research builds on the technology that has enabled the 3D camera from SoftKinetic. New, faster sensors are being developed that can detect the very short lifetimes typically exhibited by near infrared fluorescence. Near infrared markers prove to be very useful for medical imaging because of the minimal absorption by tissue and blood in this spectrum.

Detectors are simulated and produced in standard CMOS processes. These detectors are part of a larger electro-optical system under research consisting of laser excitation, optical elements, electronics and software to drive the laser and sensor, measure the output and process the results.

New promising electro-optical detectors are being developed that will enable a whole new platform of medical devices based on the lifetime detection of fluorescent markers in the near infrared spectrum. Having control over the complete system from laser to CMOS sensor with tight integration will prove its benefits over existing bulky systems.

The same technology that has led to the successful 3D Camera from SoftKinetic is being reworked and optimized to enable a new generation of medical imaging devices based on short lifetime near-infrared fluorescent markers that can make almost anything visible in the human body ranging from tumors to atherosclerosis.

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