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Cristina Boca

ETRO Affiliate Member

Biography Research Publications
Publications by Cristina Boca

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Journal Publications


“Comparison of micro-CT imaging and histology for approximal caries detection”, in Scientific Reports - Nature


“Applicability of an effective conductivity approach in modeling thoracic impedance changes”, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series


“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics

“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics


“Digitale substractieradiografie in de tandheelkunde”, in Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde


“The effect of irreversible image distortions on the performance of a mutual information-based method for retrospective geometric standardization of bitewing radiographs”, in Journal of Dental Research

“Application of desktop micro-CT imaging as gold standard in caries diagnosis”, in Journal of Dental Research

Conference Publications


“Development of a morphological accurate simulation model to evaluate cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring”, in 15th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance (ICEBI) & 14th, Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)


“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems


“Desktop x-ray micro CT imaging compared against conventional histological sectioning as a gold standard in cardiology”, in 9th Belgian National Day on Biomedical Engineering


“On the application of digital subtraction radiography in dental caries diagnosis”, in Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet

“Retrospective geometric standardization in intra-oral digital subtraction radiography - An evaluation of recent developments”, in Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet


“Building pseudorealistic geometrical tooth models based on high resolution micro-CT scans”, in Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet

“Matching histological sections and high-resolution micro-CT slices”, in Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet


“Comparative performance of three different methods for retrospective geometric standardization of intra-oral radiographs in case of irreversible image distortions”, in Dental Triangle 2004

“Comparative performance of three registration methods in digital subtraction radiography”, in Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet


“Application of desktop micro-CT imaging as gold standard in caries diagnosis”, in Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet



“An objective methodology for evaluating the mechanical compliance of osteotomy preparations: Part 1 - Final report project "Tools, Technology, Research for implant placement with guided system"”

“Analysis of drill debris in/on bone samples: Part 3 - Final report project "Tools, Technology, Research for implant placement with guided system"”

“Thermographic analysis of the osteotomy preparation: Part 2 - Final report project "Tools, Technology, Research for implant placement with guided system"”

“Drilling Analyzer - Documentation V4.0: Part 4 - Final report project "Tools, Technology, Research for implant placement with guided system"”

“Numerical study of a capacitive through-wall imaging sensor: Final report feasibility study”

“Development of an ambulatory transthoracic impedance monitoring device for early diagnosis of impending acute heart failure - Sensitivity study: Deliverables 6.1.4 project "Disease management for congestive heart failure"”

“Capacitive measurement and imaging technology for detection and diagnosis of dental caries - Pilot study”

Other Publications


“Applicability of an effective conductivity approach in modeling thoracic impedance changes”, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series


“Desktop X-ray micro CT imaging compared against conventional histological sectioning as a gold standard in cardiology”, in Caries Research

“Desktop X-ray micro CT imaging compared against conventional histological sectioning as a gold standard in cariology”, in Proceedings ORCA 2010, 57nd Congress of the European Organization for Caries Research

“Desktop x-ray micro CT imaging compared against conventional histological sectioning as a gold standard in cariology”, in Belgian National Day on Biomedical Engineering 2010


“Desktop micro-CT imaging as a novel gold standard in caries diagnosis”, in Caries Research

“A subspace-based inversion algorithm for Electrical Impedance Tomography”, in Proc. NSIP 2007 International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, September 10-12, 2007, Bucharest, Romania

“Evaluation of digital subtraction radiography in detection of periodontitis”, in 42nd annual meeting of IADR-Continental European and Israeli Divisions, September 26-29, 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece


“On the application of digital subtraction radiography in dental caries diagnosis”, in Workshop Intraoral digital subtraction radiography, and its applications to caries detection


“An X-ray microtomographic study of SnF2 and YbCl3 uptake and retention in approximal caries lesions”, in Caries Research


“The effect of irreversible image distortions on the performance of a mutual information-based method for retrospective geometric standardization of bitewing radiographs”, in Proc. AADR/CADR Annual Meeting, March 12-15, 2003, San Antonio, TX


“Comparative performance of three different methods for retrospective geometric standardization of intra-oral radiographs in case of irreversible image distortions”, in Proc. State of the Art in Medical Technology, Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering, TI-KVIV, October 18, 2002, Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium

“In vitro evaluation of a mutual information based method for retrospective geometric standardization in digital subtraction radiography”, in Caries Research


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