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Mr. Ali Pourkazemi

ETRO Guest Professor

Biography Research Publications
Publications by Mr. Ali Pourkazemi

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Journal Publications


A. Pourkazemi and J. Stiens, “Error Assessment and Mitigation Methods in Transient Radar Method,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 263, pp. 1-17, Jan. 2020.

A. Pourkazemi, A. Gutierrez, I. Mohout, E. Smets, R. Wise, J. Stiens and M. L.N.G. Malbrain, “A concise overview of non-invasive intra-abdominal pressure measurement techniques: from bench to bedside,” Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 2020.


V. Van Eeghem, A. El Arfani, A. Arta, L. Walrave, A. Pourkazemi, E. Mihai Bentea, T. Demuyser, I. Smolders and J. Stiens, “Erratum to "Selective Changes in Locomotor Activity in Mice Due to Low-intensity Microwaves Amplitude Modulated in the EEG Spectral Domain" [Neuroscience 359 (2017) 40-48],” Neuroscience, vol. 394, pp. 316-316, Dec. 2018.


A. Pourkazemi, J. Stiens, M. Becquaert and M. Vandewal, “Transient Radar Method: Novel Illumination and Blind Electromagnetic/Geometrical Parameter Extraction Technique for Multilayer Structures,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2171-2184, Mar. 2017.

V. Van Eeghem, A. El Arfani, A. Anthoula, L. Walrave, A. Pourkazemi, E. Mihai Bentea, T. Demuyser, I. Smolders and J. Stiens, “Selective changes in locomotor activity in mice due to low-intensity microwaves amplitude modulated in the EEG spectral domain,” Neuroscience, vol. 359, pp. 40-48, Sep. 2017.

Conference Publications


A. Pourkazemi and J. H. Stiens, “Localizing defect by means of Transient Radar Method(TRM) in 3D scanners 8th International Workshop on THz Technology and Applications,” in Transient Radar Method(TRM): Novel Illumination and Blind Electromagnetic/Geometrical Parameter Extraction Technique for Multilayer Structures, Mar. 2018.

K. Kalteremidou, A. Pourkazemi, Y. El Idrissi, Y. Morabet, G. He, J. Stiens, L. Pyl and D. Van Hemelrijck, “The combined use of millimetre wave imaging and acoustic emission for the damage investigation of glass fibre reinforced polymer composites,” in 12th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Jun. 2018, pp. 8.

Z. Manoli, A. Pourkazemi, G. Pandey, J. Stiens and H. Terryn, “Water diffusion mapping in organic coatings on metal substrates: A quasi-optical mm-wave technique Vs. Odd Random Phase Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” in EUROCORR, Jan. 2018.


A. Pourkazemi, G. Pandey, J. Assaf, P. Bismpas, E. Tsangouri, J. Stiens and D. Angelis, “Combination of Acoustic Emission and Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy techniques to investigate damage on cementitious materials,” in 2nd International RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-based Materials and Structures, Brussels: RILEM, Sep. 2017, pp. 6.


A. Pourkazemi, J. Stiens, M. Becquaert and M. Vandewal, “Novel illumination and parameter extraction technique for the characterization of multilayer structures in the GHz range with deep sub-wavelength resolution,” in Novel illumination and parameter extraction technique for the characterization of multilayer structures in the GHz range with deep sub-wavelength resolution, Apr. 2015.

A. Pourkazemi, W. Ranson, J. Stiens, M. Becquaert and M. Vandewal, “Novel illumination and parameter extraction technique for the characterization of multilayer structures in the GHz range with deep sub-wavelength resolution,” in Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, IEEE, Lecce, Italy: IEEE, Nov. 2015, pp. 4.

Book Publications


V. Matvejev, A. Pourkazemi, H. Alkorre, G. Shkerdin and J. Stiens, “THz wave sensing at ETRO-VUB: beyond conventional limits,” in THz wave sensing at ETRO-VUB: beyond conventional limits, Springer, Jan. 2017, pp. 12.

Other Publications


A. Pourkazemi, G. Pandey, J. Assaf, P. Bismpas, E. Tsangouri, J. Stiens and D. Aggelis, “Combination of Acoustic Emission and Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy Techniques to Investigate Damage on Cementitious Materials,”, Sep. 2017.


A. Pourkazemi and J. Stiens, “Characterization of multilayer structures,”, Dec. 2016.

V. Van Eeghem, A. El Arfani, A. Anthoula, A. Pourkazemi, I. Smolders and J. Stiens, “Behavioral alterations in mice due to low-intensity microwaves with amplitude modulation in the EEG frequency band,”, Jun. 2016.


J. Stiens, W. Vandermeiren, V. Matvejev, C. De Tandt, W. Ranson, R. Vounckx, B. Zhu, A. Pourkazemi, H. Alkorre, G. Pandey, A. Anthoula and G. He, “Sensing in the GHz-THz range @ ETRO-VUB: Beyond the Conventional Limits,” in International Conference on Semiconductor Mid-IR Materials and Optics SMMO2014, Mar. 2014.


J. Stiens, W. Vandermeiren, V. Matvejev, C. De Tandt, W. Ranson, G. Shkerdin, R. Vounckx, A. Pourkazemi, B. Zhu, Y. Zhang and G. Pandey, “Millimeter Wave Sensing @ ETRO-VUB: Beyond the Conventional Limits,” in 14th Wireless Community work meeting "Wireless Technologies for remote Sensing", Dec. 2013.


V. Matvejev, J. Stiens, C. De Tandt, W. Ranson, A. Pourkazemi, B. Zhu, M. Zizi and R. Vounckx, “Integrated THz Bio-Sensing Technique: Hydration Shell Observation,” in 10th Belgium Day on Biomedical Engineering, 2011.

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