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Contact ETRO

How to reach or contact key ETRO people.

How to reach us by public transport

By Train

ETRO can be reached by Train, exiting at railway station Etterbeek. More info about Belgian Railways (prices, timetables, ...)

To reach buildings K and Ke, turn right when exiting the station. Continue the Gen Jacques along the V.U.B. campus until you reach the Triomflaan/Blvd. du Triomphe. Turn right and enter the campus at Entrance 8. The K building is the first tall building on your left.

In order to reach the offices at Pleinlaan 9, turn right when exiting the station. Continue the Gen. Jacques towards your left. Enter the first street on the right, which is the Pleinlaan/Blvd. de la Plaine. Continue until you reach Building 9.

By Subway (Metro)

ETRO can be reached by Metro Line 5 direction Herman Debroux or Erasmus (Metro frequency: about every 10 minutes) (Scheduling can be found here.)

To reach buildings K and Ke, exit at Petillon. Leave the metro station at the Vrijwilligerslaan / Avenue des Volontaires. When you exit you must turn right and you will find the university (VUB) at about 500 meters ahead. The K building is the first tall building on your right.

In order to reach the offices at Pleinlaan 9 exit at Delta. Leave the Metro station at ULB Campus. When you exit turn to the main road, turn right and continue along this road untill you reach campus exit 13. Cross the road and Pleinlaan 9 is two buildings ahead.

By Tram

ETRO can be reached by Tram 7 or Tram 25 (Tram frequency: about every 10 minutes) (Scheduling can be found here.)

To reach buildings K and Ke, exit at VUB and cross the road towards the trees. You are now on the campus. Turn left and walk towards the first intersection. There you turn right and continue till you encounter Entrance 8. The K building is the first tall building on your left.

In order to reach the offices at Pleinlaan 9 exit at Etterbeek Station. When facing the train station, continue the Gen. Jacques towards your left. Enter the first street on the right, which is the Pleinlaan/Blvd. de la Plaine. Continue until you reach Building 9.

By Bus

ETRO can be reached by Bus. (Scheduling can be found here.)

To reach buildings K and Ke, you can take Bus 34, exit at Arsenaal.

Walk towards the billboards, continue towards the trees. Enter the Campus at Entrance 8. The K building is the first tall building on your left.

In order to reach the offices at Pleinlaan 9, you can take Bus 95 exit at Etterbeek Station.

When facing the tram rails, continue the Gen. Jacques towards your right. Enter the first street on the right, which is the Pleinlaan/Blvd. de la Plaine. Continue until you reach Building 9.

By Airplane

When you are at the Brussels National Airport (in Zaventem) the best way to reach ETRO is by Train and/or subway (Metro). This trip will take about an hour. Take the train to the Central Station (Centraal Station) and continue using the directions for Metro or train from there on (see above).

Head Of Department

Prof. Dr. Ir. Johan Stiens

+32 (0)2 629 2397

more info

Research Contact

Mrs. Karin De Bruyn

+32 (0)2 629 2930

more info

Education Contact

Industry Contact


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ETRO Department

Tel: +32 2 629 29 30

©2025 • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • ETRO Dept. • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Brussels • Tel: +32 2 629 2930 (secretariat) • Fax: +32 2 629 2883 • WebmasterDisclaimer