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Prof. Ronald Cottam

ETRO Affiliate Member

Biography Research Publications
Short CV

B.Sc. Applied Physics and Electronics,Van Mildert College of Durham University, UK, 1968

Ph.D. Durham University, UK, 1973


Ron Cottam grew up in Cheshire, in the north-west of England. At school he studied mathematics, physics and chemistry, and went on to gain a bachelor’s degree in applied physics and electronics and a PhD in the acoustic physics of II-VI and III-V compounds at the University of Durham, UK. He was invited to the University of Leuven in 1972 to start a new research activity in shape-memory alloy ultrasonics, and in 1976 became responsible for the music-recording facility in HiFi Home, Brugge. He established Sound Stuff – a study bureau in acoustics and music recording facility – in 1979, and worked as an independent in recording-studio design and recorded-music production until he joined the Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) of the VUB in 1983. From 1984 until the present he has been ‘campus medewerker’ for IMEC in ETRO, working on chemical sensors, integrated optical components, and most recently as leader of the Living Systems Project in the LAMI laboratory of ETRO.

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