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Nosey Elephant Studios
ETRO Audio-Visual Lab
About Us Infrastructure Research Services
About Us

Nosey Elephant Studios is the audiovisual laboratory of ETRO based at VUB campus Etterbeek in Brussels. The lab started operation in September 2009 as a service provider in audiovisual content creation for research or industrial applications and as a platform for research valorization.

For research: the ETRO based research group AVSP, active in the fields of speech/audio and video processing, audiovisual behavior analysis, speech emotion recognition and synthesis, machine vision and film/TV post-production is using this facility for capturing datasets necessary for ongoing and future research projects. The lab is offering controlled environment (acoustic, light and temperature conditions) for capturing audiovisual data using state-of-art equipment.

For industrial applications: Except working for research we can offer a number of services to externals like speech/music production, small-scale video production (with blukey), audio measurements and post-synch services for film production.

Live streaming video by Ustream
Description: Nosey Elephant AVSP.JPG

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