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Prof. Bruno da Silva Gomes

ETRO Professor

Biography Research Publications
Publications by Prof. Bruno da Silva Gomes

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Journal Publications


L. Segers, J. Vandendriessche, T. Vandervelden, B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “CABE: A Cloud-Based Acoustic Beamforming Emulator for FPGA-Based Sound Source Localization,” Sensors, vol. 19, no. 18, pp. 1-37, Sep. 2019.

B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Design Exploration and Performance Strategies Towards Power-Efficient FPGA-based Architectures for Sound Source Localization,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2019, pp. 1-27, Jul. 2019.

B. da Silva Gomes, A. W. Happi, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Evaluation of Classical Machine Learning Techniques towards Urban Sound Recognition on Embedded Systems,” Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 18, pp. 1-27, Sep. 2019.


J. Lemeire, B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, J. G Cornelis and A. Touhafi, “Efficiency analysis methodology of FPGAs based on lost frequencies, area and cycles,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 113, pp. 204-217, Mar. 2018.

B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “FPGA-Based Architectures for Acoustic Beamforming with Microphone Arrays: Trends, Challenges and Research Opportunities,” Computers, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1-30, Sep. 2018.

B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, F. Dominguez and A. Touhafi, “Exploiting Partial Reconfiguration through PCIe for a Microphone Array Network Emulator,” International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2018, pp. 1-14, May. 2018.


B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, K. Steenhaut and A. Touhafi, “Design Considerations When Accelerating an FPGA-Based Digital Microphone Array for Sound-Source Localization,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2017, pp. 1-20, Jun. 2017.


J. Tiete, F. Dominguez, B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, K. Steenhaut and A. Touhafi, “SoundCompass: A Distributed MEMS Microphone Array-Based Sensor for Sound Source Localization,” Sensors, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1918-1949, Jan. 2014.


B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, E. D'hollander and A. Touhafi, “Performance Modeling for FPGAs: Extending the Roofline Model with High-Level Synthesis Tools,” International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2013, pp. 1-10, Nov. 2013.

Conference Publications


M. Brandalero, M. Ali, L. Le Jeune, H. Gerardo Muñoz Hernandez, M. Veleski, B. da Silva Gomes, J. Lemeire, K. Van Beeck, A. Touhafi, T. Goedeme, N. Mentens, D. Göhringer and M. Hubner, “AITIA: Embedded AI Techniques for Embedded Industrial Applications,” in 2020 International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), Aug. 2020, pp. 7.


L. Segers, B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Cloud-Based Acoustic Beamforming Emulator for FPGA-Based Sound Source Localization,” in 4th international conference on cloud computing technologies and applications, May. 2019, pp. 6.

B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Demonstration of a Multimode SoC FPGA-based Acoustic Camera,” in 29th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Barcelona, Sep. 2019, pp. 2.

B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Probabilistic Performance Modelling when using Partial Reconfiguration to Accelerate Streaming Applications with Non-Deterministic Task Scheduling,” in International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, Apr. 2019, pp. 15.

B. da Silva Gomes, J. G Cornelis, A. Braeken, H. D'hollander Erik, J. Lemeire and A. Touhafi, “Heterogeneous Cloud Computing: Design Methodology to Combine Hardware Accelerators,” in 4th international conference on cloud computing technologies and applications, IEEE, May. 2019, pp. 8.


B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, A. Braeken, K. Steenhaut and A. Touhafi, “A Low-Power FPGA-Based Architecture for Microphone Arrays in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, May. 2018, pp. 13.

B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, Q. Quevy, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “A Multimode SoC FPGA-Based Acoustic Camera for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, Jul. 2018, pp. 8.


B. da Silva Gomes, F. Dominguez, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “A partial reconfiguration based microphone array network emulator,” in 27th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE, Sep. 2017, pp. 4.

B. da Silva Gomes, F. Dominguez, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Demonstration of a partial reconfiguration based microphone array network emulator,” in 27th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE, Sep. 2017, pp. 1.


B. da Silva Gomes, J. Lemeire, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “A Lost Cycles Analysis for Performance Prediction using High-Level Synthesis,” in 12th International Symposium, ARC 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland: Springer, 2016, pp. 8.

B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “A runtime reconfigurable FPGA-based microphone array for sound source localization,” in 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE, Aug. 2016, pp. 1.

B. da Silva Gomes, L. Segers, A. Braeken and A. Touhafi, “Runtime reconfigurable beamforming architecture for real-time sound-source localization,” in 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE, Aug. 2016, pp. 4.


N. Mentens, J. Vandorpe, A. Braeken, B. da Silva Gomes, A. Touhafi, A. Kern, S. Knappmann, J. Rettkowski, M. Al Kadi, D. Göhringer and M. Hübner, “DynamIA: Dynamic Hardware Reconfiguration in Industrial Applications,” in 11th International Symposium, ARC 2015, Switzerland: Springer, 2015, pp. 6.


B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, E. D'hollander, A. Touhafi, J. G Cornelis and J. Lemeire, “Comparing and combining GPU and FPGA accelerators in an image processing context,” in 23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE Circuits & Systems Society, Sep. 2013, pp. 4.

B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, H. D'hollander Erik, A. Touhafi, J. G Cornelis and J. Lemeire, “Performance and toolchain of a combined GPU/FPGA desktop,” in The 2013 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2013), New York, NY, USA ©2013: ACM, Feb. 2013, pp. 1.

Book Publications


J. Tiete, F. Dominguez, B. da Silva Gomes, A. Touhafi and K. Steenhaut, “MEMS microphones for wireless applications,” in Wireless MEMS Networks and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, Aug. 2016, pp. 19.


B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, H. D'hollander Erik and A. Touhafi, “Performance and Resource Modeling for FPGAs using High-Level Synthesis tools,” in Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE): IOS Press, Mar. 2014, pp. 9.


B. da Silva Gomes, A. Braeken, E. D'hollander, A. Touhafi, J. G Cornelis and J. Lemeire, “Performance and Programming Environment of a Combined GPU/FPGA Desktop,” in Transition of HPC Towards Exascale Computing: IOS Press, 2013, pp. 17.

Other Publications


L. Segers, B. da Silva Gomes, A. Touhafi and A. Braeken, “Cloud-Based Acoustic Beamforming Emulator for FPGA-Based Sound Source Localization,”, May. 2019.

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