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Articles in Scientific Journals

AVSP Journal Publications

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“Single yeast cell nanomotions correlate with cellular activity”, in Science Advances

“Context-aware human trajectories prediction via latent variational model”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“An efficient model-level fusion approach for continuous affect recognition from audiovisual signals”, in Neurocomputing

“Feature Augmenting Networks for Improving Depression Severity Estimation from Speech Signals”, in IEEE Access

“Learning Salient Segments for Speech Emotion Recognition Using Attentive Temporal Pooling”, in IEEE Access

“Monocular 3D Facial Expression Features for Continuous Affect Recognition”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


“The neural representation of mental beliefs held by two agents”, in Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neurosciences

“A New Framework for Modelling and Monitoring the conversion of Cultivated Land to Built-up Land based on a Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model using Satellite Image Time Series”, in Remote Sensing

“Continuous affect recognition with weakly supervised learning”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“SVRG-MKL: a Fast and Scalable Multiple Kernel Learning Solution for Features Combination in Multi-Class Classification Problems”, in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

“A video prediction approach for animating single face image”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Leveraging the Deep Learning Paradigm for Continuous Affect Estimation from Facial Expressions”, in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

“GestureVLAD: Combining Unsupervised Features Representation and Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Doppler-Radar Gesture Recognition”, in IEEE Access

“Strong cosmic censorship for the Dirac field in the higher dimensional Reissner-Nordstromde Sitter black hole”, in JHEP

“Automatic Depression Analysis using Dynamic Facial Appearance Descriptor and Dirichlet Process Fisher Encoding”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


“End-to-End Listening Agent for Audiovisual Emotional and Naturalistic Interactions”, in Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts

“Leveraging the Bayesian Filtering Paradigm for Vision-Based Facial Affective State Estimation”, in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

“Improved compressive tracking based on pixel-wise learner”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“Improved compressive tracking based on pixel-wise learner”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“Hierarchical sparse coding framework for speech emotion recognition”, in Speech Communication

“Ultra-short term heart rate variability as a tool to assess changes in valence”, in Psychiatry Research

“A Hierarchical Association Framework for Multi-Object Tracking in Airborne Videos”, in Remote Sensing

“Integrating Deep and Shallow Models for Multi-Modal Depression Analysis — Hybrid Architectures”, in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing


“Hazard Mapping of Landmines and ERW Using Geo-Spatial Techniques”, in Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS


“Comparison of spatial and aspatial logistic regression models for landmine risk mapping”, in Applied Geography

“A Robust Actin Filaments Image Analysis Framework”, in PLoS Computational Biology

“Tracking with Dynamic Weighted Compressive Model”, in Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

“Lectin-Glycan Interaction Network-Based Identification of Host Receptors of Microbial Pathogenic Adhesins”, in mBio

“Towards Long-Term Social Child-Robot Interaction: Using Multi-Activity Switching to Engage Young Users”, in Journal of Human-Robot Interaction

“Review of Semantic-Free Utterances in Social Human-Robot Interaction”, in International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

“The Forward Procedure for HSMMs based on Expected Duration”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Skin Lesion Image Segmentation Using Delaunay Triangulation for Melanoma Detection”, in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

“Enhancing Automatic Maritime Surveillance Systems With Visual Information”, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

“Meeting Two Minds: False Belief Processing for Two instead of One False Belief”, in International Journal of Psychology


“The effect of intensive speech rate and intonation therapy on intelligibility in Parkinson's disease”, in Journal of Communication Disorders

“Hidden semi-Markov Models for Predictive Maintenance”, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

“Gibberish speech as a tool for the study of affective expressiveness for robotic agents”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Recognition of facial actions and their temporal segments based on duration models”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Relevance Units Machine based Dimensional and Continuous Speech Emotion Prediction”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Robust speaker localization for real-world robots”, in Computer Speech & Language

“Continuous Change Detection and Classification Using Hidden Markov Model: A Case Study for Monitoring Urban Encroachment onto Farmland in Beijing”, in Remote Sensing

“Model-aided Navigation with Sea Current Estimation for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

“Automated Speech Rate Measurement in Dysarthria”, in Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

“Audiovisual speech synthesis: An overview of the state-of-the-art”, in Speech Communication


“A SEGMENTATION FRAMEWORK FOR PHASE CONTRAST AND FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY IMAGES”, in International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

“Efficient Learning of Spatial Patterns with Multi-Scale Conditional Random Fields for Region-Based Classification”, in Remote Sensing

“Objectifying Facial Expressivity Assessment of Parkinson Patients: Preliminary Study”, in Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

“Speech driven photo realistic facial animation based on an articulatory DBN model and AAM features”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Unsupervised scene detection and commentator building using multi-modal chains”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications


“Diseño de AUV.Arquitectura de hardware y software”, in Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial

“A Novel Adaptive Probabilistic Nonlinear Denoising Approach for Enhancing PET Data Sinogram”, in Journal of Applied Mathematics

“Augmented Lagrangian-based approach for dense three-dimensional structure and motion estimation from binocular image sequences”, in IET Computer Vision

“Dynamic model for an autonomous underwater vehicle based on experimental data”, in Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences

“Oriented Polar Snakes for Phase Contrast Cell Images Segmentation”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

“Space assets for demining assistance”, in Acta Astronautica

“Body Conducted Speech Enhancement by Equalization and Signal Fusion”, in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing

“Comprehensive many-to-many phoneme-to-viseme mapping and its application for concatenative visual speech synthesis”, in Speech Communication


“Impact of Urban Land-Cover Classification on Groundwater Recharge Uncertainty”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

“Audio Visual Emotion Recognition Based on the Triple Stream DBN Models”, in Computer Engineering

“Combined Hierarchical Watershed Segmentation and SVM classification for Pap-Smear Cell Nucleus Extraction”, in Computacion y Sistemas - An International journal of computing science and applications

“Music fingerprint extraction and music retrieval based on harmonic”, in Computer Engineering and Applications

“Partial differential equation-based dense 3D structure and motion estimation from monocular image sequences”, in IET Computer Vision

“Sparse and Non-sparse Multiple Kernel Learning for Recognition”, in Computacion y Sistemas - An International journal of computing science and applications

“The Effect of Material Modeling on Finite Element Analysis of Human Breast Biomechanics: a simplified finite element model of the human breast”, in J. Appl Biomater Function Mater

“On split Dynamic Time Warping for robust Automatic Dialogue Replacement”, in Signal Processing

“Multimodal Child-Robot Interaction: Building Social Bonds”, in Journal of Human-Robot Interaction

“Wave filtering for heading control of an AUV based on passive observer”, in Indian Journal of Marine Sciences

“Conservative Independence-Based Causal Structure Learning in Absence of Adjacency Faithfulness”, in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning


“Audio Visual Fusion Speech Recognition Model Based on Articulatory Feature”, in Computer Engineering

“Smooth Adaptive Fitting of 3D Face Model for the Estimation of Rigid and Non-rigid Facial Motion in Video Sequences”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“A Scale-based Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Process for Adaptive Image Enhancement and Denoising”, in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

“Detection and characterization of buried landmines using infrared thermography”, in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering


“Visual-based simultaneous localization and mapping and global positioning system correction for geo-localization of a mobile robot”, in Measurement Science and Technology


“Combining Dense structure from Motion and Visual SLAM in a Behavior-based Robot Control Architecture”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

“Multi-Sensor SLAM Approach for Robot Navigation”, in Sensors & Transducers Journal

“Tonal Synchrony in Mother-Infant Interaction based on Harmonic and Pentatonic Series”, in Infant Behavior and Development

“News story segmentation in multiple modalities”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications


“Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images”, in International Journal of Computer Vision

“Development of a behaviour-based control and software architecture for a visually guided mine detection robot”, in Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés

“Non-destructive soil inspection using an efficient 3D software-hardware heat equation solver”, in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

“Speech driven realistic mouth animation based on multi-modal unit selection”, in Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces

“Splitting-based conjugate gradient method for a multi-dimensional linear inverse heat conduction problem”, in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

“Developing a reading tutor: Design and evaluation of dedicated speech recognition and synthesis modules”, in Speech Communication

“On the importance of audiovisual coherence for the perceived quality of synthesized visual speech”, in EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing


“Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images”, in International Journal of Computer Vision

“A Cognitive Science Reasoning in Recognition of Emotions in Audio -Visual Speech”, in International Journal Information Technologies & Knowledge

“A Nonlinear Iterative Reconstruction and Analysis Approach to Shape-Based Approximate Electromagnetic Tomography”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“A Non-local Boundary Value problem method for Parabolic Equations Backward in time”, in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

“A Stochastic Framework for the Identification of Building Rooftops Using a Single Remote Sensing Image”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Estimation of piecewise constant coefficients of parabolic equations: applications to the detection of buried objects”, in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

“Infrared thermography for buried landmine detection: inverse problem setting”, in The IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Visual feature based on BTSM-LDA and multi-stream asynchrony model for audio-visual speech recognition”, in Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing

“On the design of the huggable robot Probo”, in Journal of Physical Agents


“Millimeter wave inspection of concealed objects”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Millimeter wave inspection of concealed objects, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Robust Shape-based Head Tracking”, in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2007) ,Delft, The Netherlands

“Scale selection for compact scale-space representation of vector-valued images”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

“Audiovisual Scene Analysis: Mother-Child Communication”, in BIOINGENIERÍA

“Experimental System for Image Anomaly Detection Based on Features and Distances”, in Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

“Finite-Difference Methods and Validity of a Thermal Model for Landmine Detection With Soil Property Estimation”, in IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Numerical solution to a nonlinear parabolic boundary control problem”, in Advances in Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis

“Region-oriented Visual Attention-based Activity Detection”, in Attention in Cognitive Systems

“Stability results for a Cauchy problem for an elliptic equation”, in Inverse Problems

“An evaluation of the robustness of existing supervised machine learning approaches to the classification of emotions in speech”, in Speech Communication

“Split Time Warping of Speech for Robust Automatic Dialogue Replacement”, in Ingeniería Electrónica Automática y Comunicaciones


“Active stereo vision-based mobile robot navigation for person tracking”, in Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

“A bayesian formulation of edge-stopping functions in nonlinear diffusion”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“CoRoBa, a multi mobile robot control and simulation framework”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

“Facial Analysis and Synthesis Scheme”, in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS2006)

“Investigation of Time-Frequency Features for GPR Landmine Discrimination”, in Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Motion estimation by hybrid diffusion: Theory and implementation”, in Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems

“Tele-robot with Shared Autonomy: Distributed Navigation Development Framework”, in Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

“Expressive Speech Recognition and Synthesis as Enabling Technologies for Affective Robot-Child Communication”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science


“A watershed-based multiscale segmentation method for color images using automatic scale selection”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“A Hierarchical Markovian Model for Multiscale Region-based Classification of Vector-Valued Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“A variational approach to 3D line orientation estimation from motion”, in Machine Graphics & Vision

“Perceptual Audio Modeling with Exponentially Damped Sinusoids”, in Signal Processing

“Perceptual Audio Modeling with Exponentially Damped Sinusoids”, in Unknown Journal


“A Viseme Based Speech Recognition System for Talking Head Animation”, in Chinese Journal of Computer Applications and Software

“An eigen mouth based audio visual continuous speech recognition system in noisy environments”, in Journal of Computer Engineering and Application

“Experimental Research on Audio Visual Fusion and on Model Asynchrony for Raising Speech Recognition Rate”, in Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University

“International Conference Sheds Light on Mine Action Trends and Concerns”, in Journal of Mine Action

“The viseme based continous speech recognition system for a talking head”, in Journal of Electronics & Information Technology

“Colour-Based Visual Servoing Under Varying Illumination Conditions”, in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

“Improved Thermal Analysis of Buried Landmines”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“On a Class of Severely Ill-Posed Problems”, in Vietnam Journal of Mathematics

“Perceptual audio modeling with exponentially damped sinusoids”, in Unknown Journal


“A datasieve based audiovisual continuous speech recognition system”, in Computer Applications

“A datasieve based multi-stream hmm audiovisual continuous speech recognition system”, in Computer Applications

“An Eigen Mouth Based Audio Visual Continuous Speech Recognition System in Noisy Environments”, in Journal of Computer Engineering and Application

“Multiscale Gradient Watersheds of Color Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“On the Ill-Posedness of the Trust Region Subproblem”, in Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems

“Solving an Inverse Problem for an Elliptic Equation by dc Programming”, in Journal of Global Optimization

“Stability Results for the Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation in a strip”, in Inverse Problems


“An Integrated robotic system for antipersonnel mines detection”, in Control Engineering Practice

“A Model-Based Technique for the Measurement of Skin Thickness in Mammography”, in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

“A multi-stage online signature verification system”, in Pattern Analysis and Applications

“Towards Tikhonov regularization of non-linear ill-posed problems: a dc programming approach”, in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S?r. I Math


“A Model-Based Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Linear Features from Airborne Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing


“Application of mathematical morphology and Markov random field theory to the automatic extraction of linear features in airborne images”, in Mathematical Morphology and its applications on Image and Signal processing

“EUDEM: Study on the State of the Art in the EU related to humanitarian demining technology, products and practice”, in James Madison University Journal of Mine Action

“EUDEM: The EU in humanitarian DEMining. Study on the State of the Art in the EU related to humanitarian demining technology, products and practice”, in PROSOMA: EU publication,

“EUDEM: The European Union in Humanitarian Demining”, in Journal of Mine Action

“GSM based localization and the application potential for individual patient care”, in GSM

“De computer aan het woord”, in Het Ingenieursblad

“Overlap-Add Methods for Time-Scaling of Speech”, in Speech Communication


“Low level image partitioning guided by the gradient watershed hierarchy”, in Signal Processing


“Technieken en Toepassingen voor Spraak Modificatie”, in Het Ingenieursblad, pp. 25 - 32


“A Study Towards High-Quality Speech Production Schemes for Synthesis and Coding”, in Revue HF (special issue: Speech Processing), nos 1, 2, 3, pp. 109 - 117


“A system for prosodic transplantation with research applications”, in IPO Annual Progress Report (ISSN 0921-2566), 29 - 38


“A New Model for the Short-Time Complex Cepstrum of Voiced Speech”, in IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-34, 43-51


“Comments on Pole-Zero Analysis of Voiced Speech Using Group Delay Characteristics”, in IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-33, 1049 - 1051


“A Closed Loop Structure in Formant Tracking for Speech Coding”, in Revue HF, XII, 186 - 194

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