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ETRO Publications

Articles in Scientific Journals

LAMI Journal Publications

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“Exploration and mechanism analysis: The maximum ultraviolet luminescence limits of ZnO/few-layer graphene composite films”, in Applied Surface Science

“Error Assessment and Mitigation Methods in Transient Radar Method”, in Sensors

“Design of D-Band Transformer-Based Gain-Boosting Class-AB Power Amplifiers in Silicon Technologies”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

“Characterization and Modeling of Hot Carrier Degradation in N-Channel Gate-All-Around Nanowire FETs”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Current-Assisted Single Photon Avalanche Diode (CASPAD) Fabricated in 350 nm Conventional CMOS”, in Applied Sciences

“Spatiotemporal and spectral dynamics of multi-item working memory as revealed by the n-back task using MEG”, in Human Brain Mapping

“Analysis of a 28-nm CMOS Fast-Lock Bang-Bang Digital PLL With 220-fs RMS Jitter for Millimeter-Wave Communication”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“A concise overview of non-invasive intra-abdominal pressure measurement techniques: from bench to bedside”, in Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing

“Feasibility of Real Time Internet-Based Teleconsultation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: Interventional Pilot Study”, in Journal of Medical Internet Research

“Analysis of Gate-Metal Resistance in CMOS-Compatible RF GaN HEMTs”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“(Invited) Advanced Transistors for High Frequency Applications”, in ECS Transactions

“A 12-mW 10-GHz FMCW PLL Based on an Integrating DAC With 28-kHz RMS-Frequency-Error for 23-MHz/�s Slope and 1.2-GHz Chirp-Bandwidth”, in IEEE Journal of Solid - State Circuits

“Low-Frequency Noise Investigation of GaN/AlGaN Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Field-Effect Transistor With Different Gate Length and Orientation”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects in InGaAs MOSFETs With High-k Gate Dielectrics and InP Substrates”, in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

“Comparison of temperature dependent carrier transport in FinFET and gate-all-around nanowire FET”, in Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

“Physical Model of Low-Temperature to Cryogenic Threshold Voltage in MOSFETs”, in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society


“Online Sequential Compressed Sensing with Multiple Information for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“A 1-GS/s, 12-b, Single-Channel Pipelined ADC With Dead-Zone-Degenerated Ring Amplifiers”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Growth mechanism of novel scaly CNFs@ZnO nanofibers structure and its photoluminescence property”, in Applied Surface Science

“Growth mechanism of novelty scaly CNFs@ZnO nanofibers structure and its photoluminescence property”, in Applied Surface Science

“A novel preparation method for uniform large-area graphene films on Ni@Cu substrate”, in Materials Today Communications

“A Fully Electronically Tunable Millimeter Wave lab-in-waveguide Nano-Fluidic Sensor”, in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

“The Impact of Cognitive Dysfunction on Locomotor Rehabilitation Potential in Multiple Sclerosis”, in Journal of central nervous system disease

“Altered transient brain dynamics in multiple sclerosis: Treatment or pathology?”, in Human Brain Mapping

“Do the posterior midline cortices belong to the electrophysiological default-mode network?”, in NeuroImage

“Ge Devices: A Potential Candidate for Sub-5-nm Nodes?”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Experimental Evaluation of Self-Heating and Analog/RF FOM in GAA-Nanowire FETs”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Process-Induced Power-Performance Variability in Sub-5-nm III–V Tunnel FETs”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Understanding the impact of time-dependent random variability on analog ICs: From single transistor measurements to circuit simulations”, in IEEE Transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) Systems

“Understanding the Impact of Time-Dependent Random Variability on Analog ICs: From Single Transistor Measurements to Circuit Simulations”, in IEEE Transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) Systems

“A 145GHz FMCW-Radar Transceiver in 28nm CMOS”, in Digest of technical papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference

“Integrated 140 GHz FMCW Radar for Vital Sign Monitoring and Gesture Recognition”, in Microwave journal (International ed.)

“A 5.5-GHz Background-Calibrated Subsampling Polar Transmitter With-41.3-dB EVM at 1024 QAM in 28-nm CMOS”, in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

“Multi-User Hybrid MIMO at 60 GHz Using 16-Antenna Transmitters”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers


“Contactless monitoring of food drying and freezing processes with millimeter waves”, in Journal of Food Engineering

“Natural compounds therapeutic features in brain disorders by experimental, bioinformatics and cheminformatics methods”, in Current Medicinal Chemistry

“Microfluidic devices on glass for liquid mixtures concentration with coupled THz sensor”, in Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems

“A Single-Channel, 600-MS/s, 12-b, Ringamp-Based Pipelined ADC in 28-nm CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“The effect of task modality and stimulus frequency in paced serial addition tests on functional brain activity”, in PLoS ONE

“Callosal circularity as an early marker for Alzheimer's disease”, in NeuroImage: Clinical

“Comparator hysteresis compensation for decision feedback equalisers”, in Electronics Letters

“Enhanced terahertz absorption of graphene composite integrated with double circular metal ring array”, in Plasmonics

“Recursively Convolutional CFS-PML in Three-dimensional Laguerre-FDTD Scheme for Arbitrary Media”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“A brief overview of gate oxide defect properties and their relation to MOSFET instabilities and device and circuit time-dependent variability”, in Microelectronics Reliability

“Random Subsampling and Data Preconditioning for Ground Penetrating Radars”, in IEEE Access

“Built-in sheet charge as an alternative to dopant pockets in tunnel field-effect transistors”, in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society

“Compressed sensing mm-wave SAR for non-destructive testing applications using multiple weighted side information”, in Sensors (Switzerland)

“Comparator hysteresis compensation for decision feedback equalizers”, in Electronics Letters

“Partial reset HDR image sensor with improved fixed pattern noise performance”, in Electronic Imaging

“3-D Sequential Stacked Planar Devices Featuring Low-Temperature Replacement Metal Gate Junctionless Top Devices With Improved Reliability”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Junctionless versus inversion-mode lateral semiconductor nanowire transistors”, in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

“Erratum to "Selective Changes in Locomotor Activity in Mice Due to Low-intensity Microwaves Amplitude Modulated in the EEG Spectral Domain" [Neuroscience 359 (2017) 40-48]”, in Neuroscience


“Does including the full CVLT-II and BVMT-R improve BICAMS? Evidence from a Belgian (Dutch) validation study”, in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders

“The effect of morphological and microstructural integrity of the corpus callosum on cognition, fatigue and depression in mildly disabled MS patients”, in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

“The effect of morphological and microstructural integrity of the corpus callosum on cognition, fatigue and depression in mildly disabled MS patients”, in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

“Targeting Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis-The Road toward an Imaging-based Biomarker”, in Frontiers in Neuroscience

“EEG Dominant Frequency Peak Differentiates Between Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration”, in Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

“Precognition and the Metascalar Nature of Information”, in The European Physical Journal Special Topics

“Scaled Ecosytemic Rosennean Complexity”, in Ecological Complexity

“Selective changes in locomotor activity in mice due to low-intensity microwaves amplitude modulated in the EEG spectral domain”, in Neuroscience

“Identifying anisotropy in seemingly random CNT networks using terahertz techniques”, in Composites Science and Technology

“Transient Radar Method: Novel Illumination and Blind Electromagnetic/Geometrical Parameter Extraction Technique for Multilayer Structures”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“A label-free detector for liquid chromatography systems using mm-wave technology: First proof of concept”, in Journal of Chromatography A

“Constrained models for optical absorption tomography”, in Applied Optics

“Subterahertz sensor in microfluidic devices for on-line determination and control of ethanol concentration”, in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B

“A 21-dBm I/Q Digital Transmitter Using Stacked Output Stage in 28-nm Bulk CMOS Technology”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“Une nouvelle façon d’acquérir les signaux”, in Belgisch Militair Tijdschrift


“Hierarchy and the Nature of Information”, in Information

“Modulation of TE Propagation Modes in Rectangular Metal Waveguide with Integrated Graphene Structure in the Sub-Terahertz Frequency Range”, in Journal of Optics

“Modified TE modes of metal waveguide with integrated graphene structure in the sub-terahertz frequency range”, in IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation

“A +70-dBm IIP3 Electrical-Balance Duplexer for Highly Integrated Tunable Front-Ends”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“A Comprehensive Benchmark and Optimization of 5-nm Lateral and Vertical GAA 6T-SRAMs”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Childhood Leukaemia near Nuclear Sites in Belgium, 2002-2008”, in European Journal of Cancer Prevention


“Hidden semi-Markov Models for Predictive Maintenance”, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

“Hyperscale Puts the Sapiens into Homo”, in International Journal of Intelligence Science

“Modified TM & TE waveguide modes and reflectivity by graphene layer in coupled- graphene-metal multilayer structure in sub-Terahertz frequency”, in Journal of Optics

“Coupled TM surface plasmon features of graphene-metal layered structure in the sub-THz frequency range”, in Journal of Optics

“Resolution analysis of a polymethylmethacrylate tapered probe in near-field terahertz imaging”, in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal

“A Wideband Beamforming Lowpass Filter for 60 GHz Phased-Array Receivers”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

“A 42 mW 200 fs-Jitter 60 GHz Sub-Sampling PLL in 40 nm CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Effects of caffeine and maltodextrin mouth rinsing on P300, brain imaging, and cognitive performance”, in Journal of Applied Physiology

“Inter-instrumental method transfer of a capillary electrophoretic separation of angiotensin II and five derivatives: Evaluation and update of earlier developed guidelines”, in Electrophoresis

“Design and Tuning of Coupled-LC mm-Wave Subharmonically Injection-Locked Oscillators”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Signal Processing in Deeply Technology-Scaled Transceivers”, in Journal of Signal Processing Systems

“Thyroid cancer incidence around the Belgian nuclear sites: Surrogate exposure modelling”, in Cancer Epidemiol

“An Incremental-Charge-Based Digital Transmitter With Built-in Filtering”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS


“Chaos and Chaos Complexity and Hierarchy”, in Systems Research and Behavioral Science

“Effective Fermi Level Modulation of Coupled Graphene-Metal Surface Plasmon Polaritons at Sub-THz Frequency Range”, in International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology

“Influence of electron scattering on phonon–plasmon coupled modes dispersion and free-electron absorption in n-doped GaN semiconductors at mid-IR wavelengths”, in physica status solidi (b)

“Normal incidence infrared modulator based on single quantum well intersubband transitions”, in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

“High performance integrated terahertz sensor for detection of biomolecular processes in solution”, in IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation

“Inter-instrumental method transfer of chiral capillary electrophoretic methods using robustness test information”, in Journal of Chromatography A

“Precision evaluation of chiral capillary electrophoretic methods in the context of inter-instrumental transfer: constant current versus constant voltage application”, in Journal of Chromatography A

“A 70 dB DR 10 b 0-to-80 MS/s Current-Integrating SAR ADC With Adaptive Dynamic Range”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“A 4.1mW 3.5GS/s 6b time interleaved ADC in 40nm CMOS”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“A 4.1-mW 3.5-GS/s 6-Bit Time-Interleaved ADC in 40-nm CMOS”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs

“A 79 GHz Phase-Modulated 4 GHz-BW CW Radar Transmitter in 28 nm CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Thyroid cancer incidence in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium, 2000-2008”, in Thyroid


“Towards Bridging the Gap between Life and Physics”, in BioSystems Journal


“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics

“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics

“Free electron absorption in n-doped GaN semiconductors at mid-IR wavelengths in the strong phonon-plasmon coupling regime”, in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics


“Theoretical analysis of partial-spatial Q-switching dynamics using a two-level CO2 laser model”, in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

“Hydration Shell Parameters of Aqueous Alcohols: THz Excess Absorption and Packing Density”, in Journal of Physical Chemistry B

“Validation of a triangular quantum well model for GaN-based HEMTs used in pH and dipole moment sensing”, in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics


“Integrated Waveguide Structure for Highly Sensitive THz Spectroscopy of Nano-liter liquids in Capillary Tubes”, in Progress in Electromagnetics Research

“Lock-in thermo-electric detector arrays: thermal cross-talk prediction by non-linear model”, in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

“Thin-film sensing using circular open ring resonators at mm-wave frequencies”, in Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing

“Charge density and plasmon modes in a triangular quantum well model for doped and undoped gated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs”, in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics


“Contactless monitoring of Si substrate permittivity and resistivity from microwave to millimeter wave frequencies”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Equivalent Circuit Model of Single Circular Open-ring Resonators”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

“"Periodicity Perturbed Grounded Frequency Selective Surface Arrays as Millimeter Wave Random Phase Coherence Destroying Diffusers"”, in Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and THz waves

“Simulation and Experimental verification of W-band Finite Frequency Selective Surfaces on Infinite Background with 3D full Wave Solver NSPWMLFMA”, in Progress in Electromagnetics Research

“Effect of inter-element spacings variation on the performance of linear grounded frequency selective surface arrays in W-band”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“A 2.6 mW 6 bit 2.2 GS/s Fully Dynamic Pipeline ADC in 40 nm Digital CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Reconfigurable single-chip radios”, in EDN


“A 2.2 mW 1.75 GS/s 5 Bit Folding Flash ADC in 90 nm Digital CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“W-band Characterization of Grounded Frequency Selective Surface Arrays Composed of Non- equal slot length sub-arrays, accepted for publication”, in International Journal of Microwave and Science and Technology

“Implementation of Dynamic Hadamard Diffuser as a Frequency Selective Surface for W-band Active Millimeter Wave Imaging”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Grounded Frequency Selective Surface Array Characterization for Quasi Optical Phase Shifter at W-band”, in International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies ( IJICT )

“Comparison between two optimization algorithms to compute the complex permittivity of dielectric multilayer structures using a free space quasi-optical method in W-band”, in IET Science, Measurement & Technology

“Reliable Method for Material Characterisation using a Quasi-Optical Free-Space Measurement in the W-Band”, in IET Science, Measurement & Technology

“Low-Complexity, Low-Phase-Noise, Low-Voltage Phase-Aligned Ring Oscillator in 90 nm Digital CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“A Fully Integrated 7.3 kV HBM ESD-Protected Tranformer-Based 4.5-6 GHz CMOS LNA”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Interference artifact reduction by multiangle illumination in millimeter wave images: Model and experimental validation”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“A 2.4 GHz Lower-Power Sixth-Order RF Bandpass Delta Sigma Converter in CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“A 2.4 GHz Low-Power Sixt-Order RF Bandpass Delta Sigma Converter in CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“A 2.4GHz Low-Power Sixth-Order RF Bandpass ?S Converter in CMOS”, in Journal of Solid-State Circuits


“Multispectral illumination and image processing techniques for active millimeter-wave concealed object detection”, in Applied Optics

“Comparison of speckle reduction diversity tools for active millimeter-wave imaging”, in Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision

“Passive Frequency Selective Surface Array as a Diffuser for Destroying Millimeter Wave Coherence”, in Active and Passive Electronic Components

“A Compact Wideband Front-End Using a Single-Inductor Dual-Band VCO in 90 nm Digital CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Continuous Time-of-Flight Ranging Using a MEMS Diffractive Subwavelength Period Grating (de)Modulator”, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

“Low-Area Active-Feedback Low-Noise Amplifier Design in Scaled Digital CMOS”, in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, November 2008

“Time of flight distance sensor with enhanced dynamic range”, in International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications

“Growth of InN on Ge(111) by molecular beam epitaxy using a GaN buffer”, in Journal of Crystal Growth

“Ohmic contact formation on n-type Ge”, in Applied Physics Letters

“A 1 * 64 complementary metal oxide semiconductor ranging sensor based on current-assisted photonic demodulators”, in International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications

“Study of Active Millimeter Wave Image Speckle Reduction by Hadamard Phase Pattern Illumination”, in Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision

“Plane Wave and Gaussian Beam Scattering by Long Dielectric Cylinders: 2.5D Simulations versus Measurements”, in International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves

“A 52 GHz Phased-Array Receiver Front-End in 90nm Digital CMOS”, in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, December 2008

“A 150 MS/s 133 \muW 7 bit ADC in 90 nm Digital CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS


“Millimeter wave inspection of concealed objects”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Millimeter wave inspection of concealed objects, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Re-Mapping Robert Rosen's (M,R) Systems”, in Chemistry & Biodiversity

“Variable-Formality Decision-Making in Artificial Systems”, in The International Society for the Systems Sciences

“Millimeter wave signal generation using resonant tunneling diodes NLTL-resonat”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Time-dependent characterization of an optically modulated CPW line characterized with a large-signal network analyzer”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Time dependence of CO2 laser pulses recorded in the mixed detector regime of the photon drag and Seebeck effects in n-doped GaAs”, in Journal of Applied Physics

“Photo-induced millimeter wave losses in coplanar waveguide on high resistivity Si”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Fourier processing of the speckle structure of the optical field in the process of multiphonon Bragg diffraction”, in Journal of Optical Technology

“Crystalline Ge3N4 on Ge(111)”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Lock-in Pixel Using a Current-Assisted Photonic Demodulator Implemented in 0.6 �m Standard Complemetary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor”, in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

“Photonic Demodulator with Sensitivity Control”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“The potential of FinFETs for analog and RF circuit applications”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers


“Living in Hyperscale: Internalization as a Search for Reunification”, in ISSS

“Replicating Robert Rosen's (M,R) Systems”, in ISSS

“CO2 laser induced temperature profiles in n-GaAs: an analytical model probed with the Seebeck effect”, in Journal of Applied Physics

“Scalar Calibration of Quasi-Optical Reflection Measurements”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“Hadamard speckle reduction for millimeter wave imaging”, in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

“Growth of GaN on Ge(111) by molecular beam Epitaxy”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Modeling of the impact of the substrate noise generated by a digital modem on an LC-VCO and the application of isolation techniques on a lightly-doped substrate”, in IEEE Journal of Solid - State Circuits

“Wafer-level package interconnect options”, in IEEE Transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) Systems

“A 6.5-kV ESD-Protected 3-5-GHz Ultra-Wideband BiCMOS Low-Noise Amplifier Using Interstage Gain Roll-Off Compensation”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

“Planar bulk MOSFETs versus FinFETs: an analog/RF perspective”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices


“Life and Simple Systems”, in Systems Research and Behavioral Science

“Reflective-refractive microlens for efficient LED-to-fiber coupling”, in Optical Engineering

“High-efficiency AlGaInP thin-film LEDs using surface texturing and waferbonding with conductive epoxy”, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

“Performance degradation of an LC-tank VCO by impact of digital switching noise in a lightly doped substrate”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Performance degradation of RF circuits due to impact of digital switching noise”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Doorheen materialen kijken met millimetergolven is voortaan mogelijk”, in WTCM Techniline


“A Dialogue on Causality, Relations and Other Things”, in SEED Journal

“Autocreative Hierarchy I: Structure - Ecosystemic Dependence and Autonomy”, in SEED Journal

“Autocreative Hierarchy II: Dynamics - Self-organisation, Emergence and Level-changing”, in SEED Journal

“Optimized attenuated total reflection configuration for free carrier induced optical nonlinearities in n-GaAs”, in Semiconductor Science and Technology

“An 8Gb/s Capacitive-Coupled Receiver with High Common-Mode Rejection for Un-Coded Data”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“A novel microstep device for the size separation of cells”, in Unknown Journal

“A Novel Micro-step Separation Device for the Size Separation of Cells”, in Electrophoresis

“Axial Dispersion Measurements of Bodenstein > 100,000 Flows Through Nano-Channels Etched on Flat Surfaces”, in Chemical Engineering Science

“High-resolution liquid chromatographic separations in 400 nm deep micro-machined silicon channels and fluorescence charge-coupled device camera detection under stopped-flow conditions”, in Analytica Chimica Acta


“Nonlinear and bistable reflection minima at lambda=10.6 mu m in an attenuated total reflection configuration with a highly doped n-GaAs Film”, in Applied Optics

“The relationship between reflectivity minima and eigenmodes in multi-layer structures”, in Journal of Optics


“Half-conductive coupling interconnection technology for digital transmission between CMOS chips”, in IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging

“Impact of deformation potential scattering on free-carrier induced optical nonlinearities: An experimental study in GaAs”, in Journ. Appl. Phys.

“Nonlinear and bistable reflection minima in an ATR-configuration with a highly doped n-GaAs film at 10.6 micron”, in Applied Optics

“Sub-second LC Separations by means of Shear-Driven Chromatography”, in Unknown Journal

“Sub-second liquid chromatographic separations by means of shear-driven chromatography”, in Journal of Chromatography A

“X-valley influence on hot free electron absorption and nonlinearities at 10.6mm in highly doped GaAs”, in European Physical Journal - Applied Physics

“X-valley influence on hot frre electron absorption and nonlinearities at 10.6 micron in highly doped GaAs”, in Eur. Phys. J.- Appl. Phys.

“A 900-Mbit/s CMOS Data Recovery DLL using Half-Frequency Clock”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Integrated optical receiver with beam localisation”, in Electronics Letters

“Power Saving with Resonant PMLCD driving”, in Journal of the Society for Information Display


“Calculation of the current response of the Spatially Modulated Light CMOS detector”, in IEEE Trans. Elec. Devs.

“High-efficiency thin-film light-emitting diodes at 650 nm”, in Electronics Letters

“Cascade Acousto-optic frequency shift of light”, in Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics

“Influence of leaky waves on free-carrier induced nonlinear reflection properties of highly doped n-GaAs layer at medium IR-wavelengths”, in Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics

“Reliability aspects of thermal micro-structures implemented on industrial 0.8 µm CMOS chips”, in Microelectronics Reliability

“Impact of texture-enhanced transmission on high-efficiency surface-textured light-emitting diodes”, in Applied Physics Letters


“A Diffuse Biosemiotic Model for Cell-to-Tissue Computational Closure”, in BioSystems

“A Multi-Valley Model for Hot Free-Electron Nonlinearities at 10.6µm in Highly Doped n-GaAs”, in European Physical Journal - Applied Physics

“Effect of mixing enthalpy on relaxed and strained growth of III-(VyV1-yII)-V-I compound alloys using molecular-beam epitaxy”, in Journal of Applied Physics

“Large-signal-modulation of high-efficiency light-emitting diodes for optical communication”, in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

“Asynchronous 250-Mbit/s Optical Receivers with integrated Detector in Standard CMOS technology for Optocoupler Applications”, in IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits

“40% efficient thin-film surface-textured light-emitting diodes by optimization of natural lithography”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“High-efficiency surface-textured LEDs”, in Compound Semiconductor

“Micro-lensed gigabit-per-second high-efficiency quantum-well right-emitting diodes”, in Electronics Letters


“Comparative study of the intra- and intervalley contributions to the free-carrier induced optical nonlinearity in n-GaAs”, in J. Appl. Phys.

“Etched semiconductor promises high rep rates”, in Opto & Laser Europe

“Experimental Study of the Spatially-Modulated Light Detector”, in Solid-State-Electronics

“Fast optical thresholding with an array of optical thyristor differential pairs”, in Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics

“Fast Optical Thresholding with an Array of Optoelectronic Transceiver Elements”, in IEEE Phot. Techn. Letters

“Highly Reflective and Highly Polarisation Selective Diffraction Grating Mirrors for Vertical Cavity Laser Applications”, in Journal of Lightwave Technology

“Hot Free-Electron Absorption in Non-parabolic III-V Semiconductors at mid-IR wavelengths”, in Journal of Applied Physics


“Image Processing and Machine Vision: optical computing and new design concepts”, in EU HCM networks, Image processing. A thematic cluster of Human Capital and Mobility research networks

“Diffuse Rationality in Complex Systems”, in InterJournal

“Emergence: Half a quantum Jump?”, in Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica

“Demonstration of a monolithic multi-channel module for multi-Gb/s intra-MCM optical interconnects”, in IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett.

“Polarization-Based Reconfigurable Optical Interconnects in Free-Space Optical Processing Modules”, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

“Spatially modulated light detector in CMOS with sense-amplifier receiver operating at 180 Mb/s for optical data link applications and parallel optical interconnects between chips”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

“High-efficiency non-resonant cavity light-emitting diodes”, in Electronics Letters


“World News: Germanium Improves Modulator Efficiency”, in Laser Focus World

“A hybridised optical thyristor-CMOS receiver for optoelectronic applications”, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

“A monolithic optoelectronic receiver in standard 0,7 µm CMOS operating at 180 MHz and 176 fJ light input energy”, in IEEE Phot. Techn. Letters

“Angular spectroscopic analysis: an optical characterization technique for laterally oxidized AlGaAs layers”, in J. Appl. Phys.

“High speed photonic/electronic conversion”, in IEEE Circuits & Devices

“Integration of CMOS-VLSI and light emitting sources by capacitive coupling”, in Electronics Letters

“Investigation of the depletion-modulation characteristics of low power 10.6 µm IR modulators based on the resonant plasma effect”, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

“Mushroom microlenses: optimised microlenses by reflow of multiple layers of photoresist”, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

“Receiver with optical thyristors operating at 155 Mbit/s with 3 femtoJoule optical inputs”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Slab plasmon polaritons and waveguide modes in four-layer resonant semiconductor waveguides”, in J. Appl. Phys.

“Synchronous optical detection unmasked”, in IEEE Circuits & Devices

“2D parallel optical data input for arrays of optoelectronic transceiver elements”, in Unknown Journal

“Compact optical imaging system for arrays of optical thyristors”, in Unknown Journal


“Experimental Characterisation of Reactive Ion Etched Germanium Diffraction Gratings at 10.6 µm Wavelength”, in Appl. Phys. Letters

“Differential pair of optical thyristors as a general optical-interconnect device”, in Electronics Letters

“Compact and Parallel Free-Space Optoelectronic InterConnection and logic Operations with Optical Thyristors”, in Optics & Photonics News - Special issue on Optics

“Demonstration of Optoelectronic Logic Operations with Differential Pairs of Optical Thyristors”, in IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett.

“Optical nonlinearity at 10.6 µm based on intervalley transfers in highly doped n-GaAs layers”, in Nonlinear Optics : Principles, Materials, Phenomena and Devices

“Parallel Optoelectronic Data Transcription with Fan-Out Between Planes of PnpN Optical Thyristors”, in IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett.

“The differential pair of optical thyristors as a general optical-interconnect device”, in Electron. Lett.

“Generation of sigmoid probability functions by clipped differential speckle detection”, in Optics Communication

“Integration of refractive microoptical elements with differential pair optical thyristor arrays”, in Applied Optics


“The Vector-Radix Decimation in Space Fast Cosine Transform - Pruning and Complexity Analysis”, in Signal Processing

“Cascadable differential PnpN optoelectronic switch operating at 50 Mbit/sec with ultrahigh optical input sensitivity”, in Electron. Lett.

“Down-scaling differential pairs of depleted optical thyristors”, in IEEE Phot. Techn. Lett.

“8 x 8 array of cascadable differential pairs of optical thyristors for free space parallel optical interconnects”, in IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices


“Optoelectronic Information TechnologyInternuniversity Pole of Attraction 24”, in Unknown Journal

“A GaAs pressure sensor based on resonant tunneling diodes”, in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

“Calculations of plasma wavelength in highly doped III-V semi-conductor alloys”, in J. Appl. Phys.

“Depleted double-heterojunction optical thyristor”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Differential optical PnpN switch operating at 16 MHz with 250-fJ optical input energy”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Experimental study of an InGaAs-InP resonant plasma waveguide modulator for medium-infrared light”, in Applied Physics Letters

“High frequency capacitances in resonant interband tunneling diodes”, in Appl. Phys. Letters

“IUAP 24: Optoelectronic Information Technology”, in Electronics/Communications HF

“Properties and applications of optical thyristors”, in Journal-de-Physique-III-(Applied-Physics,-Materials-Science,-Fluids,-Plasma-and-Instrumentation)

“8 x 8 array of cascadable optical thyristor devices for free space parallel optical interconnects”, in IEEE IEDM technical digest series


“A proposal for a three-bit A/D converter using three resonant tunneling diodes”, in Semiconductor Science and Technology

“Influence of the resistances on characteristics of vertically integrated resonant tunneling diodes”, in Electronics Letters

“Matrix formalism for the triple band effective mass equation”, in Semiconductor Science and Technology


“Determination of the band line-up for strained InGaAs/AlAs heterojunctions using resonant tunneling diodes”, in Superlattices and Microstructures

“Fast and sensitive two-terminal double-heterojunction optical thyristors”, in Microelectronic Engineering

“Fast Turn-Off of Two-Terminal Double Heterojunction Optical Thyristors (DHOT)”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Generation of four negative differential resistance regions using two resonant tunneling diodes”, in Microelectronic Engineering

“Image transcription between arrays of NpnP opto-electronic switches”, in IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices

“Maximum Optical Dose Detection with a 16 x 16 Monolithic Thyristor Array”, in IEEE Phot. Techn. Letters

“Maximum detection with a 2D-optoelectronic pnpn Winner-Takes-All network”, in Applied Optics


“Hybrid electrically assisted thermo-optic resonators for prototype digital optics : from element to array”, in Optical Computing and Processing

“New modulator for far-infrared light: integrated mirror optical switch”, in Applied Physics Letters

“Highly sensitive NpnP optoelectronic switch by AlAs regrowth”, in Applied Physics Letters


“Optoelectronic switch with low holding power”, in Electronics Letters


“Optical plasma resonance in semiconductors: novel concepts for modulating far-infrared light”, in Journal of Applied Physics

“Use of two-dimensional electron gas in optical information processing: proposal for Integrated Mirror Optical Switch”, in Electronics Letters


“Gold-Germanium-Based Ohmic Contacts to the Two-Dimensional Electron - Gas at Selectively Doped Semiconductor Heterointerfaces”, in IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices


“The influence of silicon surface potential on the Fowler-Nordheim tunnel injection into SiO2”, in Phys. Stat. Sol. A (Applied research)


“Single Line CCD camera to improve positioning”, in Review of Scientific Instruments


“A Method to correct the effects of the Differential Nonlinearities in Amplitude Histogram Measurements”, in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

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