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Prof. Dr. Ir. Jef Vandemeulebroucke

ETRO Professor

Biography Research Publications
Short CV

PhD in Medical Image Processing, Lyon, France, 2010

Master in Electronic Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2005


Jef Vandemeulebroucke studied electronic engineering at the university of Ghent, Belgium. He pursued a master in artificial intelligence at the university of Granada, Spain, in 2003. His master thesis, in collaboration
with the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, was on medical image registration. He graduated with honours in 2005. The following year he performed a post-graduate training course on numerical optimisation methods at the university of Florianópolis in Brazil.

He joined the Creatis laboratory in Lyon, France, late 2006 after obtaining an EU Marie-Curie PhD Fellowship in the WARTHE project. During his doctorate, he was mainly based at the Léon Bérard Cancer Centre in Lyon, though the program also included an 8 months stay at the Centre for Machine Perception in Prague, Czech Republic. His work focused on respiratory motion modelling for image-guided radiation therapy, which he successfully defended in July 2010.

Jef has been a member of the ETRO-IRIS group since November 2011. His main interests lie in the field of medical image analysis and include motion modelling, medical image segmentation and registration, functional imaging and perfusion analysis.

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